The Buyer Prospects Skip Trace is specially designed to skip trace LLC's (entities) as opposed to individuals.
You can use both skip trace & export functions out of Buyer Prospects.
Once you have your buyer prospects loaded that you would like to skip or export, click the skip trace button on the top right. It will give you the option to also do an export (a .csv file with the buyer stats and transaction information).
If you would like to complete a Skip Trace, click the "Request Skip Trace" button. You'll be taken to the page where you can complete your purchase & skip.
- The system will give you a cost estimate, and if you need to purchase credits to complete your skip trace you can purchase from this page.
- You have 2 options you can toggle on- we typically recommend toggling on "Optimize New Buyer Targets", and in some cases you might toggle on "Expand Target Results" as well.
- By using the Optimize New Buyer Targets toggls, it will return the credits for any duplicates you have skipped before on your account. Please note that this function DOES NOT return money to your credit card, but does return the credits for you to use at a future date
- By using the Expand Target Results toggle, you cill get 3 results for reach Buyer comparted to the top 1 result when toggled off. Note that this will increase your skip trace cost.
- Click "Request Skip Trace" Button
- Please note that it can take up to 4 hours for a skip trace job to complete.
(if you have not received by next business day, please shoot a note into and we'll be happy to help)
You can find a step by step tutorial in the video below: