Did you miss a great deal?
Optimize your existing marketing spend by reviewing a monthly market scoreboard to drive accountability back to your sales reps, and objectively evaluate the quality of leads currently in your pipeline.
Learn to better target your marketing.
Discover exactly which transactions your marketing reached, which fell out of your pipeline, and where, so you can take immediate action to start driving consistent and predictable results.

Which competitor is beating you?
Analyze deals in your pipeline that were recently won and lost to uncover which key actions you can leverage to drive asymmetric growth.
Run your team better.
You’ll quickly be able to figure out the short list of who’s most likely to give you the price you want on your property. So you can get on to the next one.
The nerdy stuff
We crunch these numbers so you don’t have to. Audantic software is built on AI and Machine Learning processes that keep the data fresh and the details accurate. It’s cutting edge. It’ll give you the competitive advantage you’ve been looking for. Our results are proven. The model works.